Eric Baumher, Theta Psi (RIT)
Event: Journey of Hope 2020
Hometown: Doylestown, PA
Why did you sign up for this event?
I love helping others, it has always been very important to me even before joining Pi Kappa Phi. Over my three and a half years of being part of Pi Kappa Phi (both an associate and brother), I have attended 4 Ability Camps. Each one different from that last and each one fuels my passion for being a servant leader to people with disabilities. In my eyes taking that passion and expanding into a full summer event like Journey of Hope just made sense.
What are you most excited for this summer?
I am looking forward to new and unique experiences that force me to grow as a leader and that further shape me into the man I want to be.
Tell us a fun fact about yourself.
I am an Eagle Scout.
What is your favorite memory with The Ability Experience?
My favorite memory with The Ability Experience was my trip to Camp Harkness in Connecticut. There were only three of us that went from my chapter, but we made the most of the entire weekend. The contractors for the project kind of just let us work and use the tools available, expect the masonry saw (for good reason). It was kind of like we were in charge of making sure the project got done. This only made the completion that much more satisfying. Campers were also still at that camp, so we were able to have a friendship visit that evening and there was so much energy in that room despite having worked all day. The icing on top was the fact that the camp was right on the coastline and a couple of us sat on the beach for a couple of hours that night talking with fishermen and just watching the traffic on the long island sound.