Staff & Board

Staff Directory

The staff of The Ability Experience works together to provide Pi Kappa Phis with high-quality service opportunities that will enhance the lives of people with disabilities. The organization's culture is one that supports a unique work environment and encourages employees to focus on collaboration, relationships and personal development.

Our staff comes together as a team to organize and facilitate national programs, work with over 180 Pi Kappa Phi chapters nationwide on their local service initiatives and spread the mission of The Ability Experience to communities across the country.

To reach a staff member, please dial (704) 504-2400 and use the extension numbers listed below.

Basil Lyberg President & Executive Director5379
Andrew Matznick Executive Director of Programs5387
Liza DaisleyDirector of Charitable Operations5380
Peter KowalskiProgram Coordinator
Diego A. FerradasDirector of Community Engagement
Matthew SutterSenior Director of Development5382
Evan AustinDevelopment Officer5383
Christy HarrisonManaging Director of Chapter Engagement
Patrick McKinneyDirector of Chapter Engagement and Marketing
Shaw GuidiChapter Engagement Coordinator
Neetu ChellaniOperations Coordinator5351

Board Members

The Ability Experience is lucky to have such a dedicated group of board members all focused on furthering The Ability Experience’s mission and positive impact on people with disabilities. At three meetings per year, the Board of Directors gathers in order to discuss the state of the organization and steer opportunities that are available to The Ability Experience. Board members take ownership of several aspects of the organization, all with the common goal of changing the way society views people with disabilities and fraternities. If you are interested in becoming a board member, please contact The Ability Experience office at (704) 504-2400.

Phillip Lloyd HamiltonChair
Phillip LeslieTreasurer
Mike DavisVice Chair/Chair Elect
Jim KarlovecAt-Large
Joel BorellisAt-Large, Past Chair
Shane MulrooneySecretary
Mark UrrutiaMember
Scott ThomasMember
Mike CarterMember
Anne HavardMember
Leslie ConradMember
Dwayne ToddNational Council Liaison
Jackson EscamillaStudent Representative