Nolan Caberto, Theta Omicron (Nevada – Reno)
Event: Build America 2020
Hometown: Henderson, NV
Why did you sign up for this Build America for a second year?
After participating in Build America 2019, I couldn’t stop talking about the experiences I made to my chapter. I truly enjoyed every project, camper and brother I met along the way. The Ability Experience and Pi Kappa Phi is something to be extremely proud of, and I am willing to give another summer in service to it.
What are you most excited for this summer?
I am excited for all of the camp programming and activities to do off of the worksite. My previous team and I worked hard every day, and being able to put smiles on the faces of the campers every day was the best feeling in the end.
Tell us a fun fact about yourself.
My favorite food is sushi.
What is your favorite memory with The Ability Experience?
My favorite memory with The Ability Experience was being the first group of Pi Kappa Phi brothers to visit the Colorado Lions Camp. My team built a ramp leading to the girl’s cabin and did reconstruction work on a ramp leading to the boy’s cabin. Watching one of the campers in a wheelchair use our ramp and tell us how happy and satisfying it was, gave me the best feeling on the trip.