After waking up from a great nights rest in a hotel we were treated to an entire breakfast spread in the lobby. It was a pretty cold morning with a slight breeze that made us spin a bit faster to warm up. The beginning of the ride was a steady incline with some small rolling hills but overall was a nice start to the 120 mile day. We looked forward to the Utah/Colorado boarder which was at mile 30. My paceline made a quick stop at the sign to get some pictures before we continued to grind out the miles. The topography was consistent throughout the ride, with small inclines and declines. In the first 40 miles we saw some awesome cliff faces and mountains that gave us something to check out wile we rode. Peter Glyman treated our paceline to some solo vocal magic from Miley Cyrus, ACDC, and the Rocky theme song. As we rode further into Colorado I expected the scenery to change but it remained fairly consistent the entire time.
At the end, we got an extremely light drizzle and some head winds but at the point we were so excited to be on the last leg of the ride we ignored them. We stayed in the local Boys and Girls club where we were lucky enought to be met by the mayor of Craig, CO and a news paper writer that interviewed a few of us. After we showered and and got settled we had a friendship visit with Horizons at a park. They served us a great home cooked meal and set up a water balloon fight for us and our new friends. The water balloon fight escalated into a water war in which no one was safe that raged on for roughly an hour. By the end, everyone was drenched and laughing uncrontrolably. Horizon had all of the shirts from passed years of JoH hungup with all of the team members signatures from that year. We added ours to the collection and thanked Horizons for their hospitality before we headed back to lodging to get a good nights rest.
Bryce Maloy