Today we had a real beautiful 75 mile ride into Columbia, MO. It started with rolling hills, moved to a flat portion and ended with a nice climb, Missouri definitely has more to look at than Kansas as you can imagine. After we got into town we had the opportunity to check out Services for Independent Living, a pretty cool organization that works to provide services and products to allow veterans, the elderly, and people with disabilities the opportunity to live independently. They also fed us cheesecake which was nice too haha. We are lodging tonight at the Kappa Delta sorority house at The University of Missouri which is definitely an upgrade from a gym floor. A few of us also went for a little bike ride around campus and Greek row. The Greek houses here are absolute mansions and make me feel like I live in a shack back at school haha. It was an all around solid day, tomorrow we press on with a 100 mile ride into Union.
Author: Ben Garrison, Cyclist (Theta Iota Chapter, Washington State University)