Today the team rode from Denver to Colorado Springs. It was a 90 mile day with about 4,210 feet of climbing. Overall the team did really well on the ride. Coach Dustin warned us that this ride would be tough, especially due to the adverse weather conditions teams have experienced in the past, however, the weather held out and was perfect for the entire ride. There were no bad headwinds either, which was a very good thing considering the ride had a fair amount of elevation gain. Bruce Rogers also rode along with us, and I believe he was impressed with our team by the end of the day. The team is doing very well with making good time on the road, and I think as the trip goes on everyone is turning into a really strong cyclist. The crew has been working almost flawlessly lately, and yesterday was no exception as the bike lane turns were all marked perfectly and far enough in advance for the cyclists to see while descending at a fast speed. The crew stops were awesome as usual and had a fair amount of food and water for everybody, especially on a hot day. Lodging for the night was at Colorado College in some of their dorms. It is very nice getting to sleep in a bed again. Dinner was at the university dining hall, and after the team had the rest of the night off, which was much needed.
-Jason Heister