Today we rode 60 miles from the Sunshine Community Technology Education Center of Lakeland to Orlando. I really enjoyed riding through the early morning mist toward the sunrise. The road was relatively smooth around railroad tracks and bridges, although there was little shoulder. Thanks to our training and communication we were able to maintain straight pace lines on the side of the lane to avoid traffic. I have confidence to say I’m speaking for the whole team in saying our highlight was time at Bishop Grady Villas, “a place where adults with disabilities are able to thrive and achieve their dreams.” They support people to use their God-given gifts for greater independence, physical and emotional well-being, and spiritual growth. During our arrival line up, they led us in the Pledge of Allegiance and the Lord’s Prayer. We got to know the community members over lunch in their cafeteria and then enjoyed the nice weather with a lovely Friendship Visit. I really enjoyed eating with Mark and talking to Rodney, who also loves to build with Lego’s. We played basketball, football, Rock Paper Scissors, and even rode our bikes with some of the residents. Everyone wanted to take a lot of pictures with us and it was really hard leaving after making so many new friends.
– Ian Sundberg (University of Cincinnati)