Today we had a free day after our 105 mile journey the day before. Wake up was 7:30am, which is the latest we’ve slept in the entire trip. Waking up early can be a challenge for some of the team members, but we hold eachother accountable and make the most of the time. Once we were up and moving, we got together in “team tux”, which is what we call our team apparel. We made a team video to wish all of our dads a Happy Father’s Day. We then had a crew chief breakfast. Mine consisted of a bagel with peanut butter and a banana. A group of us who are coffee addicts and haven’t had a chance to get coffee, went to the nearest coffee shop. The ones who had computers brought them and caught up on some things until it was time to head back to the high school gym we’re staying at for a crew chief lunch. After lunch some guys went to see Cars 3, some got massages, some rested, and I met up with my cousin who lives here in Missoula. We caught up until it was time for me to head back for our sponsored dinner with the team at Buffalo Wild Wings.
We all ate a lot of wings and the team payed for me to do the hot wing challenge which ended up not being a good idea. I had to eat 12 of their hottest wings in 6 minutes. I did it with the entire team cheering me on and I won a t-shirt. We then headed back to lodging and got together for our weekly team meeting. Now some of the guys are playing basketball, some are getting ready for our ride tomorrow, and I am writing my journal. I am grateful for this journey with this great group of men and look forward to the rest of the summer.
Author: Alex Spencer, Cyclist (Gamma Epsilon Chapter – Western Carolina Univeristy)