Sunday, August 6, 2017

It was a beautiful morning in Niles, OH when we woke up at 5:15 to begin our day. We had a wonderful breakfast sponsored by the Fairhaven Foundation to help get our day going. We started our ride around 6:30 and everyone was excited because we knew we were crossing into a new state today. I had a pretty strong pace line with me that day so we were riding at a relatively fast pace that day. Towards the end of the ride, we were able to enjoy some beautiful scenery as we rode through the Appalachian plateaus. This was great because it helped to prepare us for the climbing we would have to do through the mountains in the coming days. We eventually arrived at our destination which was the Woodlands Foundation just outside of Pittsburgh. 

After a brief nap to regain our energy, the team went to Bicycle Heaven, a bike shop and museum in Pittsburgh. We got to walk around and see a lot of the earliest bikes that were made. It was really interesting to be able to see how much bikes have changed over the years. After that, we headed over to dinner where we enjoyed buffalo wings and chicken breasts sponsored by Chris Baker. After dinner we went back to the Woodlands Foundation where we would be staying for the next 2 nights. We all just relaxed and hung out for a little while until it was time to go to bed.

Greg Sheibley 


Epsilon Phi, University of Alabama at Birmingham