This morning the Trans America team woke up to a 28 degree 5:30am morning, but despite the cold our mind was aimed at our goal of traveling 135 miles from West Yellowstone, Montana to Jackson, Wyoming. We were served a fantastic crew chief breakfast filled with our favorite bagels and cereal as we geared up for this daunting ride. The first 100 miles flew by for most of us. As we crossed back into Idaho on our way to Wyoming we were met by a very excited dog that preceded to chase us for 3 or so miles, rotating pace line to pace line! We arrived in Driggs, Idaho to a pizza lunch generously sponsored by TransAmerica Pi Alpha, Peter Cushman, at mile 102. His brother, Chip, met us on his daily ride for a couple of miles. We also had Bruce Rogers, the inspiration for Journey of Hope, ride with his son, Layton Rogers, who is on our team. Layton is doing this ride exactly 30 years after his fathers first ride. After lunch we headed towards Teton pass. The pass was a challenge for every rider as we climbed up to 8,000+ feet at a grade of 10+%! Some of us only reached a speed of 4 MPH while climbing this gigantic hill! After being relieved beyond belief by reaching the summit we began our decent along an awesome bike path to our lodging at Presbyterian Church of Jackson generously sponsored by Pi Alpha Ben Parson!
We then departed for dinner at a local kiawanis club members house. The house had a spectacular view of the Tetons and the Elk reservation! We enjoyed plentiful hamburgers and hot dogs while chatting about he amazing feet we had just accomplished! As we returned to lodging we were given free time that for most consisted of a very early bed time! Some did explore the town and definitely got a taste of western ski town!
All in all, today was an surreal experience for all of us! We were able to complete the longest ride any of the three Journey of Hope teams would complete all while encouraging and getting closer as a family!
Author: Layton Rogers, Cyclist (Eta Chi Chapter, Texas Christian University)