Our Project manager turned on his bluetooth speaker and began to play our five AM wakeup playlist. Halfway through the first song the sound of air matresses echoed through the room, and so began our usual wakeup routine. Thirty minutes later we were walkiong out the doors with our bikes and throwing our duffles into the van. A local Boy Scout troop provided delicious breakfast burritos for us before their seven mile hike. The thiry eight of us circled up to go over our route for the day and listen to Joe for our morning “cup of joe.” We hit the road by six and were on our way to McCook. Tailwinds made for a easy ride out of town, and we were able to give one last wave goodbye as we passed the Scout Troop on their hike. About ten miles into the ride we crossed the Nebraska/Colorado stateline. A few of us took some pictures infront the sign and some even climbed up on it for the dream shot. The team made a quick detour around mile twenty and swung into Kansas for a few minutes. Three states in one day! After our quick detour to Kansas we hit the road hard to finish the remaining seventy five miles in our ninety five mile ride. At the end of the ride all of us were laughing because of our ongoing bet that all lodging is on a hill, and of course we made our final turn to be met with a hill. It was a great to hop off our bikes and meet the N.O.W. committee of the Memorial United Methodist Church. The pasta they povided for dinner hit the spot and the team was hit by the sandman. Some managed to make it out to the movies, but most of the tream went straight to bed. All in all, day twenty eight was a complete success.
Adam Brown
North Georgia