We woke up in South Bend, IN ready to cross the state line into Michigan. After a short ride, we were at the ‘Pure Michigan’ sign and posed for a quick picture with my paceline. Soon afterward, the roads became more challenging do to the harsh winters, somoene I was riding with got a flat tire. While the tube was being changed, Ben Walters and I checked out a yard sale happening across the street.
We finished the rest of the ride without any incidents while enjoying the beautiful Michigan scenery. Our arrival into Kzoo was met with a lunch With the local ARC on a lake front. we had burgers and hung out with our new friends. from talking to people to just playing yard games it was a blast!
Several hours later we got back on the bikes to get to lodging at a Western Michigan University dormitory. Once more, we were greeted with ice cream sandwhiches provided by several of the team members’ parents. We situated ourselves into our respective rooms and squadded up at a nearby Chipolte to celebrate teammate Will Krisko’s birthday. We overtook the whole restaurant and feasted on bowls and burritos. On our drive back to lodging, we swung by Greek row to check out the local Pi Kapp chapter house. Unfortuneatly, we were unable to get a tour; but it was still nice to see the house.
Back at lodging, a cute RA had taken over the front desk so we took that as an excuse to grill her over Western Michigan student life. She reccomended we check out the fountain at the middle of campus–so we did. While posing for a picture we tried to throw David Gaw into the water. The plan quickly backfired as the former middle linebacker pushed us both in; but not before we dragged him in with us.
We then replayed our accounts to the cute RA.
Another great day on the road.
Eric Smith Miami University Eta Upsilon