
July 4, 2017 – Socorro, NM to Carrizozo, NM – 80 miles 

Today we rode 80 miles into Carrizozo, NM. The ride had a decent amount of climbing and was tough but the team did a great job of getting through the ride and arriving into Carrizozo. The arrival into the New Horizons complex was awesome with all the people welcoming us in! We had a great hot dog and hamburger lunch with the people of New Horizons!

Later we had dinner with the Trinity United Methodist church. They were nice enough to make us a BBQ dinner! Great people and some great food! After dinner the team went out to a local golf course where the whole town was celebrating the Fourth of July! The people of Carrizozo put on a tremendous firework show for the South Route team! It was a great holiday spent with the residents of Carrizozo and the entire team!

Jonmichael Augustinovicz

Omega (Purdue)