July 3, 2017 – Albuquerque, NM to Socorro, NM – 80 miles
July 3rd was a day for rebuilding a passion on the bike. After a day off in Albuquerque the team was able to tackle an 80 mile ride with a fresh set of legs. The days prior had been tiring at a compounding rate, but with a fresh mind and recovered body we were able to knock today’s ride out of the park. It was fairly flat and I was able to bind more with some of the team members I had not gotten the chance to ride much with.
Once we made it into Socorro we had a chance to do quick bike maintenance, and clean up for our friendship visit with Tesco, Inc. they had a 4th of July themed barbecue prepared for their clients and the JOH South Team. I was able to become friends with a man named Josh, who liked trucks, cowboy hats,and weather cooler than today’s high of 95. Now it’s time to make our way to Carrizozo for the 4th!
Zach Hunt
Alpha Zeta (Oregon State University)