July 18, 2017 – Longview, TX to Shreveport, LA – 70 miles
Today we rode from Longview, Texas into Shreveport, Louisiana! With a humidity of 96% all day, the sweat was plentiful. Luckily we had lots of cold water and plenty of support from our crew members to ease us through our 70 mile ride today. We were also blessed to have our sponsors, Christian Berg and Mr. J. Johnson, provide delicious, high-carb meals for us for both lunch and dinner.
Our friendship visit took place at Shriners Children’s Hospital, where we were given the opportunity to play sports with some of the patients there. It’s such a humbling experience to play games with such courageous and brave children. We were all reminded today that the only handicap in life is a bad attitude.
Appreciate all of what God has given you, and ask not what others can do for you, ask what you can do for the others.
Dean Coffman
Delta Alpha (Virginia Tech)