This morning, the team woke up at 5:30am to get ready for our last stop in Michigan – Ann Arbor. After our Crew Chief breakfast and team circle up, we set off and rode 65 miles to the Eisenhower Center where the team was greeted by their staff and clients holding posters and cheering loudly. Upon arriving and putting our bikes away, the team was introduced to Pi Alpha Michael O’Connell who was sponsoring our lunch. We had a great time chatting with Michael over food, getting to know him and other Bowling Green State University alumni. After the meal, the team quickly broke into our squads to complete daily duties and to go shower at the local YMCA. Then for dinner, we gathered at the center’s dining hall to eat with the clients and to participate in a lip sync battle. The team was given various costumes to wear while we performed and I know every single one of us had a blast as we
performed some classic hits like “Don’t Stop Believing.” Once we were done, the team had a little bit of free time and then hit the hay to prepare for our ride into Ohio the next day!
– Justas Klimavicius, KE #52