It is so hard to believe we are over half way finished with this amazing journey. It feels like yesterday we were struggling to finish 70 miles but today the ride seemed to fly by. A strong tailwind took us from grand island to Lincoln where we stopped for a delicious lunch at canes chicken. We then had a few hours to explore the city and a few of us went to Nebraska’s campus for a tour of the football stadium. I’ve never been a fan of Nebraska but the facility was amazing! We finished the day with the best dance party of the trip with the arc of Lincoln! The whole team really showed off some new moves and we were able to present a grant in the amount of $1000 to our wonderful hosts. We continue to count down the last few weeks and miles together, trying our best to absorb each wonderful moment we get to have with the individuals we meet and with each other.
-Henry Kendrick, Uab Epsilon Phi