After enjoying the enormous generosity The Arc of Central Nebraska yesterday, who put the team up in the beautiful Hotel Grand for some much needed rest, the team was up bright and early again this morning to get back on the road. Today’s destination: Denver, Colorado. As everyone sleepily shuffles out of the hotel, perhaps wishing we were still relishing the comfort the air conditioned rooms and an actual bed to sleep on, we pack up the van with the luggage, the tools, and our tired selves to hit the road.
The drive is long and scenic. The long golden plains and green farmland typical of the Midwest whizzes by out the windows of the van and the clouds tower high above. Many of us took advantage of the car ride to get a few more hours of shut eye, as our driver guzzled caffeine and played some mellow tunes over the radio.
When we finally got to Denver headed directly to our lodging, sponsored by Developmental Disabilities Resources Center, to get settled for the night. We met with Trevor Joy, set up our spots on the large gymnasium floor and then got ready to go meet with pi kapp alumni Adam Bacon and John McGarry (Beta Gamma Colorado Boulder and Eta Upsilon Miami Ohio) who sponsored a delicious meal for us at the Wynkoop Brewery in downtown Denver.
After we were all finally well-fed and well-rested, the team decided to go out, have some fun and explore Denver on our night off. One of the team members, Austin Bolella, is a member of the local DU pi kap chapter epsilon chi and generously invited his brothers to his house here in Denver. The mood was lively and the whole team had a great time relaxing, hanging out, sharing stories and meeting some fellow pi kapp’s from Epsilon Chi chapter.
It was a great night but also a long day and after a couple hours out everyone was exhausted and ready to call it a night. Overall, the day was another in a series of exciting, eventful exhausting days that the whole team has all come to expect here on Build America.
Nick Strohmeyer
Build America 2017