August 2, 2017 – Clemson, SC to Spartenburg, SC – 80 miles
Today, day 49, we rode from Clemson, South Carolina to Spartanburg, South Carolina. We arrived at the Charles Lea Center and were greeted by the awesome residents and staff! We ate some delicious pizza and enjoyed some activities like volleyball with the residents before heading to lodging. After leaving the Charles Lea Center we headed to Wofford College, our lodging for the night and also my college. Go Terriers! There we spent some time resting and enjoying campus before heading to our friendship visit with the Carolina Miracle League. There I met this awesome woman named Kathleen Lee. She is 31 and has Down Syndrome. She loves to dance and sing! I would like to say thank you to Ms. Cynthia Beacham at the Charles Lea Center, and thank you to Pamela Dean at the Carolina Miracle League for the amazing food and the awesome visits! It is hard to believe we only have 10 more days left after today. Tomorrow we ride 85 miles to Rock Hill, SC.
Skyler Roberts
Zeta (Wofford College)