Today we woke up at 5 a.m. to go from Muleshoe, TX to Lubbock, TX for a 70-mile ride. We were surprised with an early morning thunderstorm which caused a majority of the team to wait 30 minutes or more for the lightning to cease before continuing to ride. This set us back a little, but we made it into Lubbock just in time for lunch at Raising Canes! Our lunch was sponsored by Ms. Sandy Anderson who has been a sponsor since almost the beginning of the South Route! After lunch we all headed back to lodging to shower and get ready for our friendship visit and Texas BBQ dinner with Lubbock State School. After the friendship visit, many of us ended the night by going to see the new Spiderman movie at the movie theater! We all had a great time getting to meet everyone today and are looking forward to our next friendship visit with them again tomorrow!