
The spirit of The Ability Experience is carried on by volunteer relationships between chapters of Pi Kappa Phi and community organizations that help enhance the lives of people with disabilities. Establishing this relationship is a great way for chapters to give back to their community, learn more about the abilities of people with disabilities, and introduce new people to what Pi Kappa Phi is doing through The Ability Experience.

Volunteer relationship activities include anything from bowling, holiday parties, lending a hand to fix things around their facilities, volunteering twice a month or more, or even being part of a buddy program with someone with a disability. The possibilities are endless and both the chapter members and people with disabilities always benefit from the experience. There’s no better way to learn about people with disabilities than through interaction. This is where members truly get to see the person first and realize their abilities.

For more information on how to get your chapter or organization involved with a volunteer relationship, contact the chapter servicing team via email.