Matthew Sutter
Senior Director of Development
Matthew attended the University of Toledo, where he studied communication and joined the Beta Iota Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi. He joined staff in 2017 as a leadership consultant and has since served as regional director of chapter services and director of logistics before working for an outside organization and returning to staff on The Ability Experience team in 2024. In his current role, he works to maintain stewardship efforts, track donor involvement and manages crucial documents such as donor letters and tax letters. In his free time, he enjoys cycling, trying new breweries and spending quality time with his wife, Brandy, his daughter, Ila Cate, and their dog, Cleophus.
Favorite Song: Two Is Better Than One – Boys Like Girls (Ft. Taylor Swift)
Matthew can help you with donor stewardship, the annual fund and updating your Ability Experience donor involvement.