Pittsburgh was the last city we had a day-off in, so subsequently, we got to sleep in until 7:30. We drove to Bob Evans for one of the best breakfasts of the trip. Everyone got their full of eggs, pancakes, french toast, and bacon. Afterwards, we went back to our lodging at the Woodlands Foundation to relax until we would set out for lunch and friendship visits with CLASS. We were treated to a wonderful lunch of hot ham sandwiches, perogies, and hot dogs. While I was there, I got to know Keith. He told me stories about him and his family, as well as his old job as a machinist. After we left, others on the team and I had some free time to explore Pittsburgh. We ended up going to see some places where Mac Miller talked about in his songs, like Frick park Market and Blue Slide Park. After our escapade in the city, we returned to the Woodlands Foundation for dinner and what would be our last friendship visit of the trip. We got burgers for dinner, and did “Avenger Training” once everyone was finished eating. Our training consisted of agility ladders, “weight” lifting, target practice, and volleyball. It was a great time, and an excellent visit to have as our last one. We ended the night by exchanging gifts for secret santa. I got a 2-liter of diet soda from Greg since I had a reputation for drinking exorbitant amounts of diet soda on the trip. It was a fun and memorable day, made bittersweet knowing that this journey is almost over.
Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity
Inter-Hall Council : President
National Residence Hall Honorary
Centennial Honors College