Today we left Camp Little Giant and took the short 4-hour drive to Nashville. We get to stay at an Alumni’s house, and I am super excited to be in the “home” environment again. We arrived at the house at about 3 PM, and we unloaded and talked for a little bit and then made the drive to downtown Nashville. We went to the Opryland mall, and for me, that was nice because I was there for a conference a few years ago, and stayed at The Gaylord Opryland Hotel, so being back there was a nice memory.
Everybody stopped for a “secret Santa” that the team does every year, and then we made it back to lodging, and we were able to hang out with the alumni, his dog, his son, and a few of his friends. It was really great to get to hear the stories of his time at his chapter and to realize how his opinion could benefit us in our own chapter.
I slept in a tent outside, and that was fun because I really love to camp, one thing about Tennessee though, it gets pretty chilly at night, and all I had was a small blanket, so I was freezing most of the night, but nonetheless, it was still a good day.
I can’t wait to see what is in store for us in downtown Nashville tomorrow!