It was nice waking up in a bed for a change although it was quite hard to wake up. After hitting snooze I woke the guys up in my room and we headed to breakfast. We walked over to Mountaingate where Bruce had breakfast waiting for us. The walk over was quite joyful because everyone was starving as well as excited for the day off the explore and relax. Bruce gave an incredible talk about Mountaingate and what they do. I found the company very interesting as well as the field of private equity. After breakfast, my girlfriend and I explored Denver. We went all and down the 16th street mall. I know it was a day off but with the amount of step I put it, might as well cycled a century. The Denver mark was definitely a milestone for me personally. The crew and I have safely lead the cyclist to the half way point, over the Sierra Nevadas and the Rocky Mountains. The team has come so far and the bond that have been formed are unbreakable. I’m excited for the second half of the trip and for this team to hit its stride.
– Jeff Michaud (Project Manager)
University of North Georgia
Delta Beta