After a 5:30 am wake up call at Winthrop University, we all quickly gathered our things, put them in the vans and prepared our bikes so we could embark on our journey to Charlotte. There was no breakfast this morning at Winthrop University because our ride to Charlotte was only 25 miles and we would be eating at the Pi Kappa Phi national headquarters. However, our brothers of Pi Kappa Phi at Winthrop didn’t let us get on the bikes completely hungry. They supplied us with some much needed and delicious donut holes from Dunking Donuts. After, we set out for Charlotte. Although today’s ride was short, it was not uneventful. About halfway through the ride, we crossed into our next state of the trip: North Carolina. This would be our 2nd to last state we cross into before arriving in Washington DC. Shortly after crossing the state line, we arrived at the National Headquarters and were greeted by many members of the Pi Kappa Phi and The Ability Experience staff. At the Headquarters, they spoiled us with a fantastic breakfast and we got to hear from the CEO of Pi Kappa Phi, Mark Timmes, as well as the CEO of the Ability Experience, Basil Lyberg. They then gave us a tour of the headquarters and showed us much of the history of the fraternity and insights on the organization. Our time at the headquarter was short because we had to head out for our friendship visit but that was Okay because we would be back later for dinner . We then cycled a quick 15 miles to an Organization called Holy Angels for our friendship visit for the day. Holy Angels supplied us with a great lunch and talked about the relationship that we have had with them for many years. Shortly after, we had a dance party with all their clients which was a blast! After an hour and half of nonstop dancing, we had to say goodbye to our newly acquired friends. They sent us of with hugs and many posters that they had made for us. We packed up the vans and headed over to Queens university which was where we were staying for the next 2 nights. After settling in and getting some much needed rest, we headed back to the National Headquarters for a dinner sponsored by the Pi Kappa Phi CEO, Mark Timmes. This dinner was very unique because along with us were future members of Pi Kappa Phi that we’re charter new chapters at their campuses across the country. We were able to give them a lot of insight and advice about our chapters and how they are run. Moreover, we were able to tell them importance of the summer events of The Ability Experience and what it can do for their chapters. They took our advice willingly and we all had a great mea together. After, we headed back to our lodging. Since we had a day off the bike the following day, many of us went out to explore Charlotte to see what it had to offer to end our night.