Michael Cebulka, 21, will join 20 others from the Pi Kappa Phi fraternity in building handicap accessible camp amenities in the Midwest. Cebulka graduated from Urbana High School in 2012 and was on the baseball team while at school.
Cebulka and his fraternity brothers will build amenities such as ramps, fishing piers and amphitheaters at camps that serve people with disabilities. The project, Build America, is part of the national nonprofit organization The Ability Experience. Cebulka must raise $4,000 to go on the trip.
Each day of the trip consists of two parts Ð construction and friendship visits with campers. Construction of improvements would be from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friendship visits take place with campers afterward and consist of playing games and participating in activities with disabled individuals.